If and only if this page is linked on another page ("original work") accompanied by "Select components of this work are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License" said original work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Creative Commons license applies exclusively to the text content of the page. Media is not covered under the Creative Commons license, and must be independently licensed.
Why Place the Restrictions?
This website includes media assets that are copyrighted and which I have a license to use. The terms vary by source, but here is an example of Envato Elements (which I use for much of my media):
You must not permit an end user to extract an Item and use it separately from the End Product created using that Item.

I want to respect the policies and work done by the original creators of the media, and I have an obligation to follow the terms of the license. Please respect the terms set by the original creators of the media.